Our Philosophy
Place-Based Economic Development
Since its inception over 30 years ago, California Main Street has worked with communities across the state to revitalize downtowns and commercial districts through place-based economic development. California Main Street programs have collectively secured over $8 billion in public and private reinvestment, added 34,287 jobs, created 6,963 new businesses, and rehabilitated 1,694 buildings since 1986.
Our Mission
California Main Street (CAMS) is a diverse network of communities supported by Main Street Approach practitioners, working to revitalize historic commercial districts through a place-based model that fosters inclusive transformation strategies. We do this by providing training, access to resources, partnership opportunities, and best practices to our members and affiliates.
Our Vision
CAMS is a convener of historic commercial district revitalization practitioners, industry experts, and policy makers, providing resources, technical assistance, and a support network to move forward individual and collective efforts to foster equitable economic development, promote state tourism, and advocate for investment in our community-based programs.
Our Ecosystem
When it comes to revitalization work, it takes a robust ecosystem of peers and partners at all levels to successfully create a place that is for and by the community. California Main Street brings together a diverse network of grassroots community organizations and state-wide partners. CAMS is part of Main Street America, a coast-to-coast network of organizations and individuals working to bring vitality and prosperity to downtowns across the country through the framework of the Main Street Approach.