Dear CAMS Community
Left to right: Amanda Elliott; Woman and child observing Downtown Holiday Festival at the Winters Building (Courtesy: Richmond Main Street Initiative).
CAMS Connection | Holiday 2023
By: Amanda Elliott, Senior Program Officer and Director of California Programs, Main Street America
Hello CAMS family,
The holidays are upon us! This year is quickly drawing to a close. I’ve witnessed so much great work throughout our California network and I’m looking forward to an even more successful upcoming year.
Big thanks to my colleagues from Main Street America and Civitas for leading our recent webinars focused on retail trends, assessment districts, and housing. Recordings and slides are now available to our CAMS members.
If you haven’t joined our webinars or monthly check-ins, you’re missing out. Every third Thursday at 11 a.m., leaders from across the state log on to share the latest news from their district. It’s an opportunity to connect with fellow Main Streeters, stay up-to-date on best practices, and brainstorm solutions to common challenges. Reach out if you’d like to join our check-ins or have questions about CAMS membership.
I love the opportunity to get out in the field and connect with entrepreneurs and other Main Street practitioners. I recently attended “Secret Of My Success,” a fun event for small business owners in Burbank, Calif., hosted by iHeartMedia and The Hartford. The evening featured celebrity entrepreneurs Bethany Frankel, Jenny Garth, and Tyler Florence. The common theme they expressed was the importance of building a community of supporters who cheer them on through the good and sometimes difficult times. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who are willing to take a risk and keep supporting their business through growing pains, stagnation, or transition. It’s a winning strategy for us all, whether you’re running a business or Main Street program. Thanks to iHeartMedia and The Hartford for the invitation and generous donation to Main Street America.
As we approach the holidays, don’t forget to share your special events, programs, and promotions with us. We love to highlight your impact and celebrate your great work throughout the network. Now is the perfect time to support the businesses in your districts through Shop Small campaigns and non-profit organizations–like California Main Street and its local programs–through end-of-year giving.
As always, thanks for all you do to keep our communities healthy, vibrant, and strong!
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