Revitalizing Small and Local Businesses Act Introduced to Senate

Vibrant small business storefronts pictured with a navy blue filter and and an overlay of bold white text reading "Revitalizing Small Local Businesses Act".

Photo credit: Office of Senator Alex Padilla Facebook page.

Revitalizing Small and Local Businesses Act Introduced to Senate
By: Alicia Gallo, Marketing & Communications Consultant

On December 8, 2021, U.S. Senators Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) and Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) introduced the Revitalizing Small and Local Businesses Act, a bipartisan bill that would create a new competitive grant program through the Economic Development Administration (EDA) for nonprofits, business districts, and main street organizations that provide tailored, on-the-ground assistance to small businesses in both urban and rural communities. If approved, the bill will authorize $250 million for this program over the next five years to fund community-based initiatives to help small businesses identify resources and develop skills to retain and create jobs. 

Amanda Elliott, Senior Program Officer and Director of Programs, California Main Street, commented on the legislation in the announcement released by Senator Padilla’s office:

“We know expanding place-based support for California’s small businesses creates thriving commercial districts and downtowns in urban and rural communities. At California Main Street, we are committed to supporting business district organizations given their critical role in fostering inclusive transformation strategies and thank Senators Padilla and Wicker for introducing the Revitalizing Small and Local Businesses Act to expand the impact of these programs.

This bill is supported by Main Street America, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC),  National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders (NALCAB), Small Business Roundtable (SBR), United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), and the Urban Manufacturing Alliance (UMA).

Read Senator Padilla’s Press Release

Read the Legislation

Learn more about the Revitalizing Small and Local Businesses Act


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