New California State Laws to Know About in 2022

A collage of three images, from left to right: a green waste bin overflowing with discarded produce pieces; a plastic knife and fork set on a wood table; a colorful cocktail in a mason jar.

A preview in three images, from left to right: a green waste bin overflowing with discarded produce pieces; a plastic knife and fork set on a wood table; a colorful cocktail in a mason jar.

3 New California Laws Your Main Street Businesses Need to Know About
By: Alicia Gallo, Marketing & Communications Consultant

January 1, 2022 ushered in a new year and a number of new laws in the State of California. Below we’ve highlighted three that may directly impact many of our downtowns and small businesses:

Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Issues Guidance on Alcoholic Beverages To-Go - The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has issued guidance on the newly enacted SB 389 (Dodd, 2021), which permits some businesses to sell alcoholic beverages to-go if certain conditions are met. The law is slightly different from the pandemic regulatory relief that expired on Dec. 31, 2021. Read more


New Rules for Restaurants Providing Single-use Foodware Accessories and Standard Condiments - California restaurant and food facilities are now prohibited from dispensing “any single-use foodware accessory or standard condiment packaged for single use to a consumer unless the single-use foodware accessory or standard condiment is requested by the consumer”. Read more 

Mandatory Organic Waste Composting Law Applies to Residents and Businesses - Senate Bill 1383 requires all residents and businesses to separate “green” waste from other trash. The program will be rolled out gradually for homes and businesses in the coming months, with the actual startup date varying, depending on the location of your home or business. Read more from the LA Times. Check out this implementation grant opportunity for cities.


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